Identification |
Official Latin term | skeleton fibrosum cordis |
Official subsidiary term | esqueleto fibroso de la corazón |
Unit identifier | TAH:U14863 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Notes |
The term skeleton fibrosum cordis is a general term for the fibrous scaffold supporting the valves and muscle fibres and electrically isolating the atria from the ventricles. It comprises a fibrous centre, two trigones, four anuli, three ligaments, the membranous septum and some related structures (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351 and Zimmerman 1966 Ann R Coll Surg Eng 39:348-366). |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U3568 | |
TAH:U3614 | |
TAH:U14862 | |
TAH:U14863 | skeleton fibrosum cordis |
TAH:U14869 |
TAH:U3638 |
TAH:U3640 |
TAH:U15764 |
TAH:U15765 | |
TAH:U15766 |
TAH:U15768 | |
TAH:U3642 | |
TAH:U3639 |
TAH:U11342 |
TAH:U15769 |
TAH:U15770 |
TAH:U15771 | |
TAH:U15772 |
TAH:U15773 |
Total |
15 children
Taxonomy |
TAH:G14863 | skeleton fibrosum cordis |
Date: 24.06.2023 |